fredag, oktober 22, 2004

Bush Ad Hints Terrorists Want Kerry to Win

... which is obviously total and utter stupidity, since Bush guarantees their livelyhood by providing tons of reasons to attack westeners.

Offshoring: It's Not Too Late to Change

Absolutely awesome article. Should be manadatory reading in any college.

torsdag, oktober 14, 2004

Going to war in Iraq was a mistake

Lincoln Journal Star - REP. DOUG BEREUTER
This retiring republican representative seems to understand what is going on. Only I do not agree with the following:
"The conclusion generally reached was that he had at least some of these types of WMD and that he would use them again against countries of the neighborhood"
This conclusion was only reached by a few people in England and USA. Unfortunately those people were in charge at the time. The UN weapons inspectors all agreed there were no WMDs.

Ditch the Distraction in Chief

The Nation
Absolutely awesome article. Naomi Klein is spot on with this one. You should really read her other articles as well.

Bob Dylan: Masters of War

Bob Dylan: Masters of War
More relevant ever ... I am going to the show in Santa Clara tomorrow.
"Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul"
Copyright © 1963; renewed 1991 Special Rider Music

tirsdag, oktober 12, 2004

Bush: Kerry's Plans Would Require Tax Hike

Yahoo! News
Probably, but Bush's plans run up the deficit instead.
Maybe this is the plan:
If Bush loses again, Kerry will have to increase taxes and/or decrease spending to get the federal budget in order. This will make him unpopular with people who only look in their own pocket to see if they are happy with the government ... most uneducated Americans ... which will make it hard for him to win again in 2008.
If Bush wins (or gets appointed again), he can just keep running up the deficit.

Dia de la Raza = Day of the Race.

Day of the Race
Interesting to know why we are celebrating Columbus Day!

mandag, oktober 11, 2004

Kerry Opens Three-Point Lead on Bush

Yahoo! News
I know this is just a poll, but am pleased nonetheless!

torsdag, oktober 07, 2004

Higher Voter Registration Could Affect Election

Yahoo! News
A couple of things struck me:

I do not know of any other country where all citizens are not automatically registered to vote. In Denmark you get a card in the mail shortly before each election, and you just bring the card and a photo id to the poll place to vote. In Australia you are required by law to vote!

Why do people have to register so much in advance. It does not make sense in our computerized society. Somebody must have a reason to keep it that way.

fredag, oktober 01, 2004

3 Polls Show Kerry Won Debate Over Bush

Yahoo! News
There is still hope! Interestingly the header and content of this article changed just after I blogged it!!! Now it reads: "Bush Rips Kerry on Iraq Following Debate" - who are these people?